Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bible Reading

Last night for possibly (can't remember) the first time in my life I read a whole chapter of the bible, from start to finish. Twice!

I took Lightening's advice and started with 1 Corinthians. I read it through from start to finish and then I read it again, writing down passages that jumped out at me along the way. I stole this idea from Joanie! So thanks everyone!

I'm looking forward to spending time with the Lord in my bible every day. It's something that I've thought I should be doing for quite a long time, something has always stopped me from doing more than thinking about it. I'm hoping that I can become more focused on my faith and learn to really live according to the Lord's will. I realise I can't do this to perfection, but I'm excited about trying!

I have found this blogging business to be not only addictive but so rewarding, refreshing and educational! Who would have thought!

4 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

You'll have to share some of what spoke to you with all of us!

I'm excited for you and God is even more excited!

Have a great day or is it night over there now??


Joanie said...

YAY! I'm so excited that you've jumped in and spent time in God's Word. How I pray the Holy Spirit will continually nudge you to desire to spend time reading the Bread of Life regularly and you will feel "full and satisfied". Oh, how I pray God reveals more of who He is, His character and what His plans are for your life as you spend time reading the Word.
There are so many treasures for each of us to find ~ Happy Hunting!

Theresa said...

I can't wait to read more of what you have learned from Corinthians. I bought a bible in 2006 and I don't fully understand a lot of it unless someone tells me what it means. I am still a baby. Theresa

HisPrincess said...

I found 1 Corinthians to be a comfort more than anything. I found it clear and easy to understand, and some of the passages really jumped out at me.
Passages like 3:16-17 "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destry him for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

This spoke to me on two levels. 1) I need to look after my body, it is a temple afterall! 2) How cool is that? I am sacred. Mind blowingly cool.

Another one that I think I need to work on in my life is 15:33 "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character"

I work in a secular company, there is one other Christian in the building. I need to be careful with conversation, they aren't all "bad company" but they do encourage a lifestyle that has the potential to "corrupt".

So thats what I've gleened from 1 Corinthians so far. I'm sure every time I read the Bible something different will speak to me, as the Lord will use it to communicate with me.

It's all very exciting!