Thursday, December 20, 2007

So Tired

It all gets a bit much at this time of year doesn't it. We have just been to Adelaide for some Christmas shopping and appointments. I do love the city but I find it so exhausting, not to mention expensive. It was my daughter's 15th birthday while we were there so we took her out to tea and saw a movie. We also went Go Karting, Watersliding and visited the driving range so DH could test out his new driver.

Needless to say that after the 5 hour drive to get home I'm a bit of a wreck!

Tonight I have to wrap and sort presents, unpack and repack clothes ready to go to my parents for Christmas, who live about 4 hours away. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

Its so easy for me to get caught up in the flurry of activity and forget what its all about. We also have five immediate family birthdays in December (mine included) so I think its time I just took a moment and reflected on my Lord and Saviour.

It took almost hitting a sheep this morning on the way to work to make me remember to thank the Lord for my blessings in life.

Thank you Lord that you are ever faithful and watching over me. Even when I'm not giving you a second thought. I pray that I can remember to be thankful and count my blessings every day. I pray that my husband and children can have some understanding of what you have done for them, for all of us and that they can come to know and love you.

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