Monday, September 29, 2008
What is the meaning of this outrage!!!
Posted by HisPrincess at 12:22 PM 10 valued opinions!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
In Answer to my own Question
Here is a photo of Scott sitting out on our deck this afternoon in my favourite chair. This chair is suspended from the roof and it's soooo comfy! I just love it.
This afternoon I was sitting in my favourtie chair, reading "Encouragement for Life" by Charles R. Swindoll. I received this book in the mail this week from Joanie who knew exactly what I needed to be reading at the moment.
Isn't it amazing that yesterday I was asking WHY, and wondering how I was supposed to cope and continue to remain strong in my faith in the face of what I perceived to be unjust circumstances. Basically hosting my own little pity party.
And then today I pick up this book. I've not finished it yet, but I just read this page that answered all my questions, and I had to come share.
We must each admit: "I don't understand why - and I may never on this earth learn why" We must then try out best by the power of God, not to let that affect our faith. In fact, we should ask God to use that lack of knowledge to deepen our faith.
We must each admit: "I cannot bring about a change." We may have tried. We may have done everything we know how to do - but we can't change this situation. It is time to admit "I have no power to change it ... Lord, God, You know what is best for Your child. I wait. This is what You have given me under the sun. I will walk in it." And that explains how the Christian can have joy in the midst of wild and crazy, mysterious and strained circumstances.
I love that "This is what You have given me under the sun. I will walk in it." I feel like it was written just for me to read at just this moment. In other words Sharon "quit your complaining, accept that the Lord has your best interests at heart and rejoice in that knowledge"
So. Now I'm heading back out to my deck, with my book, and my cuppa to sit in my favourite chair in the sun on this beautifuly sunny spring day.
I am so blessed.
Posted by HisPrincess at 12:20 PM 10 valued opinions!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It's Just Not Cricket
For those of you who don't understand Australian slang, "it's just not cricket" is something we say when things aren't going our way, when it's just not fair, too hard. I've no idea what cricket has to do with those sentiments but there you have it.
Today, in the first month of spring, it is 37 degrees celsuis. Or 98.6 for you Americans! However you say it it's plain ridiculous. We expect that kind of temperature in January, or February, cetainly not September.
Add to that the hot north wind that has come along with the sunshine and we have crops in trouble. Again. For the fourth year in a row. Sigh.
Kym has just come in and he's not a happy camper. To put it quite mildly. It's completely heartbreaking when you see all your hard work and investment just dying in front of your eyes, and there isn't a thing you can do.
On a positive note, not all our crops are dying. Some was put in quite early when we took a risk earlier in the year and started sowing before it rained. Those paddocks have had a chance to flower and begin ripening, so this weather will just ripen them faster. And, on my trip to Whyalla yesterday I saw many paddocks of dead and dying wheat, in much worse shape than ours. We will be ok, we will get a crop, and although it will be a much lower yield than we hoped for, there are some who won't even bother to harvest.
This doesn't mean the end of farming for us (well, I don't think so anyway), it just means another year of struggling, tightening our belts, making adjustments to our lifestyle and hoping and praying for a better year next year.
It's about this time that I ask myself "why?" Why are we doing this to ourselves? Why does it have to be so hard? And a lot of other "why's" that I don't want to admit to myself that I'm asking.
Lord, I pray for some milder weather. I know that you are doing what is best for us, please help me to understand and be grateful for the blessings you have given me.
Posted by HisPrincess at 2:18 PM 3 valued opinions!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I went over to my friend Joanie's blog today to leave her a little message of thanks for a lovely parcel I received in the mail from her today.
I got quite a surprise.
I'm sure I've visited Joanie's blog since she has posted her prayer request for us but never really stopped and read and noticed til today.
I'm a bit speechless (which isn't like me at all) and overwhelmed. It blows my mind to know that someone on the other side of the world cares enough to pray for me in this way. Joanie has never met me, or my family, and yet she prays faithfully and unceasingly.
Of course it's no surprise that the Lord would use the internet, and blogging to bring his children closer to him and to each other. Since I began blogging I've been constantly delighted and surprised at the wonderful, kind, and supportive women I have met.
So, thank you each and every one of you for your encouragement, support, prayers and wisdom. I have grown so much in my faith since joining the blogworld and it's because I've met wonderful people like you.
Posted by HisPrincess at 5:12 PM 13 valued opinions!
Highs and Lows
It's been a weird couple of days.
Firstly Steph had a panic attack about going off to another town to do work experience. I hardly slept on Sunday night worrying about her and trying to come up with ways to make it easier for her. In the end I decided that I can't keep rescuing her (no matter how much I want to) and assured her she could do it, she would be fine. Well, she was fine. Her work experience week has so far exceded any expectations or hopes I may have had. She is callling me at night full of news and things she has learned, and there is joy in her voice. Such an amazing answer to prayer.
That has been my highlight of the week.
Now for the downside. I am really struggling at work. I'm forgetting things that I don't normally forget, making mistakes that I don't normally make. My brain just seems to be foggy. Thats the best way I can explain it. There is also the pressure of having 5 bosses, who are all related to each other (family business) and who all think that the demand they have made on me is the only thing I have to do at that time. I have one boss telling me to not pass on information to another (because he tends to over react and gets things out of proportion), one boss only giving me half an explanation and then getting angry when I misunderstand him, and one who is just so stressed it's really hard being in the same building as him. They all expect me to be able to cope with anything they throw at me, and cope immediately. And I can understand this, because in the past I have coped. But at the moment it's all just beyond me, and I have no clue why.
I'm worried about the farm, but that's nothing new, I'm worried about Steph, which is also normal, I'm worried about finances, probably a bit more than normal but still, nothing I haven't been able to handle in the past. I'm just feeling a bit like the wheels are about to fall off.
Lord, please help me at work. I'm feeling under more pressure than usual and not feeling able to cope with it. Please give me the tools to be able to meet the expectations of my bosses, or if this is no longer the place for me show me a new direction.
I leave my finances at your feet Lord, I'm feeling out of control in that area and that really scares me. Thank you Lord for the milder weather we have enjoyed this week. I pray for that final soaking rain to see our crops through til harvest.
Thank you Lord for answering my prayers regarding Stephanie. She is really enjoying her time with the Naturopath and finding some independence she didn't think she was capable of. It's such a blessing to me to hear such joy and excitement in her voice, thank you.
Posted by HisPrincess at 8:21 AM 8 valued opinions!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Driven to Chocolate
It's just been one of those days.
Firstly I slept really badly because the wind was howling, and I hate the wind. Things bang, fall over, crops dry out and die, and it messes your hair up.
Then I got a panicky phone call from Steph who is in Port Lincoln for work experience. She had left home some things that to her were life threateningly important, and added to the fact that she is way outside her comfort zone, she was beside herself. I comforted her and told her where to go to buy a new toothbrush which sent her further into spin. She has a real problem shopping on her own, she just hates going up to a counter and paying for something. I assured her she would be fine. She has plenty of money. Everything will be ok.
Upon getting to work I was faced with a mountain of paperwork and a very grumpy boss. I have spent the day tackling that mountain and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Everything I pick up needs something from someone else, or hasn't been completed properly, or is just too hard for me to think about today. As for the grumpy boss, I'm just trying to stay out of his way, I hate it when he gets like this, makes me really tense.
So, now I am having a cup of coffee and some chocolate. Because chocolate always makes things better, other than the waistline that is. I'm sure it's not making that any better! But I am justifying it by telling myself that I need the boost, and I haven't had time for either breakfast or lunch today so really, it's not that bad. I can just hear Joanie scolding me!
I've not heard any more from Steph so I'm hoping she is having a good day. The Naturopath that she is working with is really lovely and I'm hoping and praying she will be able to put Steph at ease. I find it really difficult to not continually rescue her, she finds new situations like this just so hard to cope with, and I just don't understand the shopping thing! What girl doesn't like to shop?
Posted by HisPrincess at 2:58 PM 10 valued opinions!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Time to Re Focus
The past few weeks have been hectic, stressful, joyus and emotional for me.
I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed by all my responsibilities as a coach, wife, parent and employee.
It's time for me to stop worrying about all that is happening around me and to me, and look up.
I haven't been to church in three weeks and it shows. I really need church to help me focus each week, without it I tend to drift off, and that is when circumstances get on top of me and overwhelm me.
So, starting right now it's time to start living in the word again, because that is the only place I find peace.
Dear Lord,
Please help me to focus my energy on you and give you the time that you deserve. Help me to put you first in my life where you belong.
I lift Stephanie up to you Lord. She is still battling with low self esteem. Please show her that you love her and that you have a plan for her life. Please help me to parent her and guide her in a way that she will appreciate and understand. Watch over her as she heads into a week of work experience, she is worried about coping on her own. I pray that she has a positive experience with her work experience and discovers some direction for her life. I pray that she can have a more positive outlook on life in general Lord, and that she can learn and grow stonger from this experience.
I also pray for Kym. Pray that he will open his heart and let you in again, like he did when he was a child. Thank you for providing me with a wonderful caring husband and father to our children, I pray that he will one day know the peace of knowing you. He is worried about our crops Lord, I pray that you can ease his mind and help him accept that you will always provide for us.
I pray for Scott as he enters the teenage years. I pray that he will enjoy his time in high school and find some friends when he gets there. I pray for my relationship with him as it changes, that we won't lose the close bond we have always shared and that we can raise him to be a caring young man.
Lastly I pray for me. Please change my attitude Lord, help me to be more humble and accepting, help me to learn to ask for help and not try to do everything myself. Help me to be the best wife and mother I can be. I pray that I can make wise decisions with regard to my children and carry them through. I pray that I can give loving discipline where it is necessary and guide my children as they become young adults. I pray that I learn to cope better with the pressures at work and not let things get to me so much. Please help me to give Kym the time he deserves, and help me to honour him.
Thank you Lord that you watch over my family. Thank you for keeping them safe and healthy and providing for us all.
Posted by HisPrincess at 10:39 AM 7 valued opinions!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Today I'm feeling a bit out of sorts. I'm not particularly stressed, or even grumpy (for a change!), just a bit edgy.
I was out until 8pm last night with Steph decorating our clubrooms, which was fun (no balloons popped) and we were really pleased with the result. I got home to a mountain of washing (clean) on the lounge, a sink full of dishes, and just a generally untidy house. We have been a busy family in the past few weeks which has meant no weekends at home, and when you work full time that means stuff just doesn't get done.
This morning I got up earlier than usual because I wanted to call into our club to put the placemats I'd made for the girls in their place setting. I've blown up a photo of us all and laminated them and I forgot to take them with me last night. I probably could have left it til tonight but I wanted it all set up and ready just in case some of the team arrive before me.
I have a couple of big jobs to get done at work today, and today is the deadline. I really must learn to not leave things to the last minute.
I have to make a speech tonight. Which doesn't bother me, I've never been worried about public speaking, loved debating in high school. On the drive into work I was thinking about what I would say, who I would thank and I thought about my good friend Melissa. I have really leaned on her this year and she has always been there for me. For some reason that thought had me in tears.
then I thought about what I would say to my girls, how I would tell them that I am really proud of them. They accomplished something incredible this year, playing each week in different varying combinations and positions should have been really unsettling, but they managed it. That made me cry too.
Then I got to work and got one of those nice, inspirational emails from another friend. Tears again.
Maybe its getting close to that time of month. Or maybe I'm just tired. But it doesn't seem to be taking much to make me cry today.
On a different subject...can you all please pray for rain for us? We have had a week of warm dry wind now and our crops are starting to suffer. One more good soaking rain will assure us of a good harvest. It's heartbreaking to be so close only to have the weather turn on you again. We simply can not afford another failed crop. I'm crying again.
Posted by HisPrincess at 9:03 AM 8 valued opinions!
Balloon Trees
Every year when (or if) one of our netball teams win a premiership our club puts on a victory dinner for them. Usually we have more than one team celebrating so they all get together and sort out decorations, menus etc. This year with it just being our team it's sort of up to me to organise the decorating, luckily our club president is doing the catering.
I wanted to make a special effort to have everything looking nice for my girls. It was a tough year and I'm looking at it as a way of thanking them for putting up with my mood swings, grumpiness, disorganisation, and for throwing them all over the court in positions they weren't used to.
So, I rang our local party supply place and asked for some suggestions. The nice lady suggested I get mini balloons and make mini balloon trees in our club colours for the centre piece of each table. She worked out how many I would need and any other supplies I would need and assured me that it was really easy.
But there is just one issue.
One I didn't mention to the nice lady at the party supply place.
I'm afraid of balloons.
I kid you not.
I don't know why. It's completely irrational (as a lot of fears are) but I just get all worked up imagining that they are going to pop. The actual balloon popping doesn't bother me so much, but the anticipation of it popping brings me out in a cold sweat.
I can kill deadly spiders, I can abseil, I swim every summer in Australia's home of the great white shark, I love fast, high rollercoasters, I've climbed the highest Karri Pine in the country, I've even killed a venomous snake all by myself.
But making a balloon that is really scary stuff.
Firstly, these are mini balloons, and the little blighters are really hard to blow up.
Secondly, you have to tie two of them together at a time, and this takes a bit more manual dexterity and patience than I posess.
And Lastly, this is the really scary bit. You have to twist and stretch and push and pull them to get them into a sort of ball of balloons. Shudder.
I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it.
Posted by HisPrincess at 9:03 AM 10 valued opinions!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Table Sliding is not for broken 38 year olds!
On Saturday night while celebrating the win of that game that shall not be mentioned some members of our club thought it might be fun to go table sliding.
What is table sliding I hear you ask? Well, you line up about 6 tables in a long row (about 10 metres long) and you pour detergent and water all over the table tops. Then some really silly people take a big run up and jump on the tables belly first and slide all the way to the end.
It looked like a lot of fun.
And it was a lot of fun until I hit the end and fell off! Of course this didn't deter the premiership coach so up I hopped and had another go. My second time I didn't fall off the end but I miss timed my approach and smacked my (already damaged) knee. Not one to give up I thought I'd give it one more go...and my last one was perfect!
On Sunday morning I woke up with very sore ribs (they aren't used to being jumped on like that!), one very sore and bruised knee (oops) and I needed help to get out of bed because I seemed to have done something odd to my back.
Today I went to see my ever patient and tolerant physio (who also happens to be a very dear friend) and she informed me that "table sliding is not for broken 38 year olds!" and also said I have sprained the "something or other" ligament at the base of my spine. She did tell me which ligament it is but it has a name like wheelbarrow and she was so busy laughing at me she wasn't speaking very clearly!
But I have to say. For all my sore bits and bruises table sliding is a lot of fun!
Posted by HisPrincess at 2:17 PM 15 valued opinions!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The last time I talk about netball...
Honestly. This will be the last post about netball this year. I promise.
Yesterday my team played the grand final, and after three quarters of less than promising netball they came back in the final quarter to win!
So much relief!
I haven't let myself think about the possibility of winning all week. I've been there before and lost and I didn't want to get my hopes up.
But I was so proud of them. While I can't exactly say they played their best game they did what they needed to do to get themselves over the line. And that is all that matters.
Today we have spent the day at our club at our end of year football and netball "wind up". This is where we thank people for helping out, award trophies to players who have excelled and acknowledge the hard work that poeple like coaches, trainers, physios, umpires etc put in. All of this work is done voluntarily and it is what keeps country clubs like ours alive.
Our netball club is quite a successful one, and it isn't unusual for us to bring home two or three premierships for different grades. This year we had three teams playing in the grand final in three different grades. Two of them were thought to have a pretty good chance, but only one of us won. And that was us.
The team I coach is the lowest of the senior grades. It is a combination of players new to the game, juniors in their first year of competition and older more experienced players who aren't able to play in the higher grades anymore. Sometimes we feel like the forgotten team. Sometimes we are the forgotten team. In a community where netball is something that all young girls aspire to excel at we often celebrate the elite and forget everyone else.
But not today.
Today our team was the toast of the club. It was their day in the sun. Their moment to shine. And shine they did.
One of my players was awarded a trophy as the most improved senior player. This award is given to one player in the senior grades (we have four senior grades) who has made a marked improvement over the year. The coaches nominate someone and put in a recommendation to a committee who then decide who to award the trophy to. This year the Rudall Netball Club Most Improved Senior Player was awarded to LIGHTENING . WOOHOO!!! I was so proud of her!!!
I did have some photos to share but Stephanie lost the camera yesterday. Onya Steph. I'm sure if you give her a day or two Lightening will have some photos to share on her blog.
So. There you go. Netball is over for another year. And just for the record...I won't be coaching next year. If I suggest it at some stage then somebody please slap me.
Posted by HisPrincess at 6:11 PM 19 valued opinions!
Friday, September 12, 2008
This week Kym has been away working.
The toilet got blocked, the sprinkler system split, the kids needed to be picked up, the rubbish didn't get taken out, both the kids and I got sick, the chooks didn't get fed...
It made me appreciate what it would be like to be a single parent. I'm sure I could get used to it if I had to but I certainly don't want to!
So, thank you Lord for my wonderful husband. Help me to honour and appreciate him for all he does for me and the children. Help me to remember to thank him and bless him.
Posted by HisPrincess at 1:21 PM 6 valued opinions!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Light Entertainment
Our high school is an agricultural school. They have a fully working farm, with sheep and students in high school can study a certificate 3 in agriculture. Below is a picture of the homestead at the school's training farm, "Sims Farm" named after the kind man who bequeathed it to the school.
Even though Stephanie hates sheep she has been choosing agriculture as one of her subjects since year 8 and she really enjoys the plant and agronomy side of it. She is just afraid of sheep, which means she won't study ag in year 11 because year 11 is where they are taught to shear.Above is the year 12 class being taught how to drench sheep, which basically means squirt medicine down their throats.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, the business I work for is on the outskirts of town, the same side of town that the training farm is. To get out to the farm you have to go past me, and I have just witnessed the most amusing thing I've seen in a while.
The sheep were brought in a couple of days ago from the farm to the school (where the shearing shed is) for shearing. Even though she doesn't like sheep Steph enjoys walking them from the farm to the school and back long as she doesn't have to get too close. Also it's about a five kilometre walk and its pleasant exercise on a sunny spring day.
This morning the year 10 class had the task of walking the sheep back out to the farm after shearing. I heard a bit of a commotion outside my window so got up to take a look. The sheep and most of the class had passed by without incident but there was one sheep (as there always is!) who wasn't co-operating. I looked out my window to see three boys from Stephanie's class running around in circles on the side of the road trying to catch this rogue sheep. Then I heard familiar laughter. Stephanie was sitting in the ute with the teacher yelling "go Trent" "go sheep" "go left, no right, no left!" all the while falling about laughing. The boys caught the sheep eventually but not before providing much entertainment for both Stephanie and myself! I bet those boys were so glad they had Stephanie there to "help" them!
She doesn't know yet that I watched the whole thing from my office window. I'll mention it this afternoon and ask if she enjoyed helping the boys catch that sheep.
It was such a blessing to me to see her smiling, laughing and joking. The old Stephanie is still in there somewhere.
Posted by HisPrincess at 9:36 AM 5 valued opinions!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Flying under the radar
I used to worry that we didn't pay enough attention to Scott. He has always been the easy going one, just cruising through life not letting anything bother him and not bothering anyone.
His sister on the other hand has been a fully fledged diva princess drama queen for the past 4 years. And you know the saying "the squeeky wheel gets the oil?" well Stephanie has been proof that if you complain long enough and loud enough and consistently enough someone will listen to you.
I have in the past worried that I'm selling Scott short, that he doesn't get the attention he deserves, that he was missing out in some way.
Then Scott turned 13.
And someone came in the middle of the night and stole my nice, easy going, placid, sweet little boy and replaced him with who knows what.
He is definately not flying under the radar anymore. He is a giant blip, dead centre. He is even managing to move his sister from centre stage. Ok. Maybe not. He's managing to share centre stage with her.
He argues about cleaning his teeth, feeding the dog, sitting in the front seat, having a shower, using his manners, I could go on and on and on....but then I would start sounding like my children!
And what is it with teenage boys and showers? Do they suddendly become allergic to water? He seems to vascilate from one extreme to the next. Either he takes 3 showers a day for 30 minutes at a time, or he has to be dragged in there and he's out in 2 minutes, leaving the towels all over the floor and filthy.
Teenage girls are hard work. They cry. They nag. They sulk. They obsses about friends, family, boyfriends, school, what colour suits them. But at least they smell nice!
From what I've seen so far boys smell, grunt, and just get downright obstinate.
So, my point? Well no point at all actually. Just observations. I think I'm in mourning a little for my nice boy, will he ever come back?
Posted by HisPrincess at 12:07 PM 11 valued opinions!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Down Time
This may seem a little odd but I've quite enjoyed being a bit under the weather today.
Stephanie, Scott and I have this bug that's been doing the rounds of our community. It makes you a bit stiff and sore, sore throat and dizzy. But it's not too bad if you stay laying down.
So today that is what we have done. We have all been complete coach potatoes. Stephanie and I have watched almost the whole third season of One Tree Hill (she is looking for season 4 and 5 if anyone has copies we can borrow). Scott has watched a couple of movies (thank goodness we have more than one TV!) and I have finished the book I've been reading, 90 Minutes in Heaven.
Despite feeling off colour I have to say it's just what I needed. Some time to just rest.
Scott is now well enough to start to become bored, and therefore annoying his sister. Stephanie is feeling well enough to bite back when Scott needles her... so I'm thinking one day of peace and calm is all I'm going to get! Unless I pack them off to school tomorrow and stay home by that idea has merit!
But we won't do that. I'm feeling recuperated enough to face the world again so tomorrow is back to business as usual.
Lord, thank you for this time of rest and reflection. I have enjoyed spending a quiet day at home with the kids and enjoyed their company despite feeling unwell. I pray that we are all recovered enough to get back into it tomorrow.
Posted by HisPrincess at 5:33 PM 6 valued opinions!
Monday, September 8, 2008
She means well...
This is something that I have had to repeat to myself over the years. Over the past 18 years to be exact.
My mother in law is a kindhearted, caring and nurturing soul. She really does mean well. But I'm afraid to say that over the years her "well meaningness" has driven me mad!
"I called in to your place while you were at work and noticed you'd taken your curtains down, so I washed them and re hung them for you" Said curtains were ALREADY washed and I was packing them away ready to hang my new blinds. Deep breath. She means well.
"I've just moved your pots and pans back into the cupboard that I used to keep them in, it's much more practical" Kym and I moved into his parents house when we were married. I moved things around to where I wanted them. She moved them back every chance she got. Deep breath. She means well.
"That colour carpet isn't going to look nice for very long" We replaced mission brown with orange swirls with grey. You guessed it. She means well.
"Since you work and you can't keep up with your housework I've done the dishes for you" Deep breath. She isn't judging your lack of home making skills. She means well.
"Such a shame you had to have a ceasarian and now you are bottle feeding" Bite tongue. Breathe deeply through clenched teeth. She means well.
"Haven't you taken that bottle/pacifier/comfort toy away from him/her yet? I took Kym's pacifier away from him when he was 6 months old" No wonder Kym has separation issues! She means well.
"What are Kym and the kids doing today?" This one always comes out at church. It makes me feel like a complete failure for not getting my husband and kids to church. But I've come to realise that she is just asking after them because she cares. She isn't judging me. She means well.
There have been countless careless comments like this over the years. Sometimes they really sting but I honestly beleive that she has no clue when she has hurt your feelings. She just doesn't think. As a mother in law she would do anything for any of her daughters in law. She minds our kids, comes to all the school functions for her grandchildren, worries about us when we are sick, genuinely cares for and loves all of us with all our faults.
Lord, help me to be understanding and tolerant when it comes to my mother in law. Thank you for blessing me with such a loving and caring family and help me to be thankful for that.
Posted by HisPrincess at 1:40 PM 6 valued opinions!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Get over it Sharon
That is my advice to myself this evening.
Get over it.
Has anyone noticed a bit of a "poor me" attitude in my posts of late?
I've spent some time this evening browsing around blogworld and all the wonderful posts I have read have been full of joy, praise, encouragement and reflection.
And over here at "I know He watches over me" you get control freak Sharon complaining about the things that she can't control, and procrastinating over the things that she can. save you all the bother I have given myself a slap.
Snap out of it woman, be thankful for what you have, be grateful for the amazing blessings, stop sulking and move on.
There is something quite invigorating about giving yourself a good telling off.
So... I'm glad I got that off my chest. Please pray for me for the coming week where I will be deciding what to do with my girls, and living the life of a single parent while Kym is away working.
......hand over the valium and no one will get hurt!
Thank you Lord for the rain that we have had over the weekend. It brings such joy to my heart to drive to work each morning and see the bountiful crops surrounding me. Thank you for my wonderful husband, I pray that he will have safe travel and the week that he spends away from us working will go quickly and painlessly (and if there is pain I promise I won't complain about it). Thank you in advance for forgiving me for making promises I probably can't keep! Thank you that my netball team has made the grand final, I am so proud of them, please help me to convey that to them. Thank you that I have had an uneventful weekend with my teen daughter with no issues about going out, curfews, boys and that she is home safe and relatively happy. Thank you for the joy that Scott brings into our lives, thank you for his giving and loving nature, please help me to not overlook him because he causes less drama. Thank you for the wonderful blogging friends you have introduced me to. They encourage, bless, and put up with my complaining so thank you for them. Forgive me for my unthankful nature at times. Forgive me for wanting things I can't have. Help me to accept things the way they are and be grateful. Help me to be happy for my netball team without being envious of them.
Posted by HisPrincess at 6:41 PM 7 valued opinions!
We Won!
Yesterday my girls played a preliminary final. The winning team plays the grand final next week, the loser packs up their netball gear til next year.
And we won!
I was a bit surprised at my reaction. In that I didn't react. I have mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong, I'm so pleased for my team, and thrilled for them to get to play in a grand final, and I hope they win. But.... there is always a but! I'm thinking (quite selfishly really) about how this impacts me. This has been the hardest year of netball coaching ever for me this year. I'm at the point where I'm ready for it to be over. Now that we have made the grand final I have some tough decisions that I can't avoid any longer. And I have made my decision, I think, well sort of... I know what I need to do to win a premiership, and I know what I need to do to include all members of the team. What I don't know is if I can achieve both, or if I am willing to take the risk.
Yesterdays game was close. A bit too close. I had my plan, I had decided who would go where before the game started, what changes I would make, who would come off and when. Then at three quarter time that plan went out the window. I had to decide whether to take the risk of sticking to my plan, or put my strongest team on and win the game, and I discovered that I didn't have the strength to stick to my plan. That meant that one of my girls only got one quarter instead of two.
I have two players in my team who aren't quite up to the standard of the others. One of them is improving at lightning speed, and if we had a few more weeks I feel sure that she would be up to the challenge. The other I have coached now for three years. Three very. long. years. I have encouraged, chastised, yelled, directed (both physically and verbally), demonstrated, encouraged some more, taken her aside and worked one on one....and she just doesn't get it. She has improved but she is never going to really get it.
So what to do? I think I know what I need to do. It's just hard, and it's doing my head in.
I should be excited about reaching a grand final. And I am. Sort of. In a way. But I will be really excited when it's all over.
Posted by HisPrincess at 10:53 AM 2 valued opinions!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dental dramas part 2
Yesterday I visited my friendly dentist again.
I have another tooth which I have broken, but it wasn't hurting at all like the other one so I wasn't expecting any drama's.
Silly me.
This tooth is saveable (is that a word?) but it requires a root canal. My dentist said that it was my choice, either remove the tooth or try to save it. I'm starting to feel that I am at risk of being a toothless old hag by the time I'm forty (as opposed to just a standard old hag which I have accepted as my destiny!) so I decided to opt for the root canal. Gary (my dentist) went on to tell me exactly what is involved....the actual root canal $800, filling and rebuilding tooth after root canal $300 and he strongly recommends a crown after all that to protect his handywork $500. Add that to the $300 I've already spent on the other tooth for a temporary fix while I wait to see the oral surgeon, and I shudder to think how much he is going to cost. Stephanie is horrified. She is madly saving to buy a car and is telling anyone who will listen that Mum has her car in her mouth. Now come on. I knew my mouth was big.....
So I will leave you all on the edge of your seats while you await the next installment in this little drama in my mouth....I just know you can't wait!
Ok. I have to go because my little princess has just asked me to tuck her in. When your 15 year old daughter asks for a cuddle you don't miss the opportunity!
Posted by HisPrincess at 8:47 PM 7 valued opinions!
In answer to your questions...
Ok, a few of you (well almost all of you at some stage) have asked me "what is netball"
So, I thought I'd give you all a lesson so you know what it is that we (that is Lightening and I) are obsessed about.
Netball came about in the early 1800's when women weren't able to play basketball because their clothing was too restrictive and it just wasn't considered very ladylike. The rules of basketball were modified to make it a non contact sport, where you don't run with the ball, and you must be three feet from your opponent to defend when they are passing the ball. Basically they just made basketball more ladylike, although the way modern netball is played it is anything but ladylike, and as the years go by more and more contact is allowed so long as it is fair contest (which means you are giving as much as you are getting!)
The ball we use is exactly the same as a soccer ball, and we shoot goals through a ring the same shape as a basketball ring, only it doesn't have a backboard.
Here are a few pictures of Steph playing last year to give you a bit of an idea. In this photo Steph is catching the ball. You can see she has landed on her left foot, now she has to stop and keep that left foot touching the ground, or "grounded" as we call it in netball. She is able to step forward on her right foot and lift the grounded foot off the ground, but she can't put it down again before releasing the ball....clear as mud?
This is a good photo to show you what I mean by defending the player with the ball while three feet away. Steph has just passed the ball to her team mate, her opponent is three feet away defending her.
So, there you go, a bit of a netball lesson for all of you. This week my team (which includes Steph) plays a preliminary final that if we win takes us to the grand final. If we lose our season is over until next year. Steph has to play against her cousin Renee who is the same age as her so it's a bit of a shame that one of them has to lose.
Lord, I pray that all goes well tomorrow, that everyone does their best and that we play as a team. I pray that the older members of the team and the younger ones can learn to get along a little better!
Posted by HisPrincess at 8:55 AM 5 valued opinions!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Netball Presentation Dinner
Question: What happens when a bunch of 100 or so women get together to dress up, have lunch and celebrate netball?
Answer: Heaps of fun and a whole lot of silliness!
And what am I talking about? Each year our netball association, Eastern Eyre, which is made up of five clubs get together for the annual netball presentation dinner. This is where the votes are counted and the best player awards are awarded for the association. Three players from our club took home awards so we are pretty proud of them! It's also an opportunity to thank coaches, administrators, umpires and anyone who helps keep netball running every Saturday.
Each year we have a theme, this year it was EENA (stands for Eastern Eyre Netball Association) has got talent. Each club had to come up with a routine to entertain everyone with at the dinner. One club did a comedy act, a send up of Baywatch, another were a circus, another dressed up as the cast from Grease and danced to Greased Lightning. Our club went as cheerleaders. We did a cheer routine to "Mickey" and looked really silly but we had a great time.
Here is Stephanie all dressed as a cheerleader. As you can see our costumes were pretty simple. It's just our netball uniform with a white t shirt over the top and a sparkly red R sewn on the front. Simple but effective. Doesn't she look gorgeous with the cute curly piggy tails?
This is during the routine. Steph is on the end and I am next to her. And we aren't just sitting there doing nothing, we are waiting our turn to jump up and do our thing!
It was a great day out and a good time was had by all. It's really good to get together with the other clubs that we compete with so fiercely. We all want to promote netball in our community and it was nice to leave behind the competitiveness for a day. Only for a day though! Two weeks to go til Grand Final day.
Posted by HisPrincess at 9:19 PM 9 valued opinions!
Labels: netball
The Pain!
Last night was the first game of our Spring squash pennant.
Last pennant Scott played for the first time and he really enjoyed it. I filled in a couple of times when someone couldn't make it and it didn't kill me, so I thought maybe this time I would play every week.
I'm now wondering at the wisdom of that decision.
While I was really pleased with my first ever "real" game, and the fact that by the third game I was learning to stop hitting it like a tennis player, this morning every muscle in my body aches! I used muscles that I didn't know existed!
I actually found it pretty hard to hit the ball the way the squash players do, and they all commented that you could tell I am a tennis player. Squash is a wrist movement, tennis is a full body backswing. And I also found that a two handed backhand just does not work for squash.
But I'm learning. And I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to learning how to hit those tricky shots off the back wall, and learning to think about my shots rather than just hit it back. The thing I really loved about squash is that unlike tennis it's pretty hard to hit the ball out! Wayward shots that go sideways then forwards are good shots in squash! I could get used to that! It will be interesting to see if it affects my tennis game. Coz I'm such a champion and all. Not!
Of course I gave myself a chocolate reward for all that effort!
Kym also made a comeback to squash after not playing for 15 years. Of course he just picked it up as if he'd never stopped playing. Sometimes I hate him! In the nicest possible way of course!
Scott had a pretty easy win for his first game which he was a bit dissappointed about, said he would have preferred a longer hit. I won one game but lost my set 1-3, and Kym lost his set 2-3 which was a pretty good effort considering he is playing at number 2 in the team after not having played for 15 years. Like me he is a bit stiff and sore today!
Posted by HisPrincess at 8:37 AM 5 valued opinions!
Monday, September 1, 2008
I've been tagged by Edie at Rich Gifts to do an A-Z of me...
So, here goes.
Attached or single? Attached. Married for 18 years.
Best Friend? Jesus
Cake or Pie? Cake. Chocolate cake. Chocolate anything. Just chocolate.....mmmmmm chocolate.
Day of Choice? Sunday. My day. Stay at home or go out. Church. Peace.
Essential Item? Kettle. Life isn't worth living without a cuppa.
Flavour of icecream? Don't start me on the chocolate thing again.
Gummy Bears or Worms? Worms, sour worms.
Hometown? Cleve, but I came from a town called Warwick, in Queensland.
Indulgences? That would be chocolate. Seem to have a theme happening here.
January or July? January....July is waaaaaay too cold!
Kids? Two. Stephanie and Scott, and Boris my cat...who is neither a rabbit or a rat as some rude people have suggested! :)
Last Movie I saw in a Theatre? Bee Movie. I don't get out much!
Middle Name? Yes. Lee. Boring.
Number of Siblings? 1
Oranges or Apples? Oranges, from our tree. Even better when dipped in chocolate!
Phobia or Fear? Fear
Quote? God gave us a mouth that closes and ears that don't, which should tell us something!
Reason to Smile? When my kids are happy. When someone achieves something.
Season? Summer
Tag five more.... Lightening , Joanie , I can't think of anyone else who wouldn't have already been tagged. So please if anyone is reading this consider yourself tagged!
Unknown fact about me? I'm a cryer. I cry when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm overwhelmed.....
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Don't you just love that wording? I bet a vegetarian wrote that! I feel like I should apologise, but like Edie said God told us to eat meat.
Xrays or Ultrasound? Xrays are cool.
Your favourite food? I'm sure I don't need to tell you its chocolate!
Zodiac? Rubbish.
So there you have me. Me A to Z. Not very interesting!
Posted by HisPrincess at 4:05 PM 7 valued opinions!